PAINTINGSClick on the picture to view a better and larger picture THOMAS COLE View form Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a thunderstorm - the "Oxbow" JACQUE-LOUIS DAVID "Andromache Mourning Hector" "Adtiochus and Stratonice" "The Coronation" (of Napoleon) "The Death of Socrates" "Lictors bringing to Brutus Bodies of his Sons" "Napoleon Crossing the Saint Bernard" "Napoleon in his Study" "The Oath of Horatii" "The Sabine Women" EUGENE DELACROIX "Dante and Virgil in Hell" (of Napoleon) "Liberty Leads the People" JULIUS PAUL JUNGHANNS "Plowing" GODFREY KNELLER Potrait of the Duke of Marlborough (an ancestor of mine) LEONARDO DI VINCI "Lady with an Ermine" "The Last Supper" "Portrait of Mona Lisa" EMANUEL LEUTZE "Washington Crossing the Deleware" BUONARROTI MICHEALANGELO "The Creation of Man" "Delphic Sibyl" ADOLF WISSEL "Farm Family in Kahlenberg" |